Marketing and sales departament

The ultimate goal of our team of specialists is satisfaction both short and long-term client expectations  and ensuring a stream constantly perfected and updated products.
It can be purchased by sending a request by fax or e-mail to confirm the date of the contract and establish the individual conditions of purchase by the employee department. 

Delivery and acceptance are realized in their own ways:

  • Wet assortments (bulk only):

• in PKP or private carriages, P using attractive shipping discount (we have our own railway siding with a modern cariage wash)
• self-unloading car transport, disposed by the customer or the Grudzeń Las LTD

  • Dried Assortment (bulk, customers or Grudzeń Las big bags, bags, paper bags of 25 kg):

• in customers special construction carriages
•  in the carriages leased by the Grudzeń Las on request (after ensuring the continuity of the load)
•  road transport: tankers, box protected by tarpaulins, disposals by the customer or our Company

Sales of products is carried out:

• on weekdays  in the hours  6-22